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The bin men don't cometh [May 7, 2010]

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The underground waste thingie by our house the day the bin men's strike began on Thursday.

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And this was it by Friday morning. Its funny how people immediately stop all pretence of actually putting their rubbish in bin bags, but just heap empty deep frozen croquette boxes and old sports bags onto the heap.

The bin men are striking for paltry 1.5% pay rise. The council has offered them a big fat zero and a one-off bonus of 1% of annual salary. It is a bit rich that the council which is now presumably forking out big piles of cash to city council executive board members who are no longer with us makes such a fuss about paying street cleaners a few cents extra a day.

Mind you, the city council has decided not to go to court about the issue, which could indicate they are sympathetic to the the bin men and would like the national local authority umbrella to take a softer line in the negotiations.

There is of course, some imaginative recycling going on as well. Spotted this interesting garden fence on the Amsteldijik.umbrellas.jpg

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