Are we missing something here? [12 June 2015]
Why do two girls in Amsterdam seem to think it cool to name their oh so hip and trendy shop TITS. Apparently it is short for 'this is the shit' - which makes it even worse.
When is a Vondelpark clean up volunteer an Amsterdam primary school pupil? [21 May 2015]

Very odd little news item in today's Parool. I translate
Volunteers clean up the Vondelpark
From tomorrow, teams of helpers will help clean up the Vondelpark. The Friends of the Vondelpark association says more is needed than just the regular city council maintenance to stop the park deteriorating. Every Friday in the summer a group will come and clear up the rubbish. Tomorrow it is the turn of the 7th and 8th grade at the Nicholaas Maes school.
So 10 and 11 year olds are being roped in to clear up all the crap left by lazy teenagers and students after the barbecues and beer are they? Seems most odd. And how much choice does a primary school kid have about being such a volunteer anyway.
I had a quick look at the Vrienden van het Vondelpark website. It talks about volunteers wandering around the park and handing out rubbish bags, which is not the same thing as cleaning up other people's beer cans. So I am a little confused.
However, the Friends are also calling for a barbecue ban in an effort to stop the rot.
'Plants and grass are destroyed, pets and animals eat the unhealthy left-overs, children and dogs face danger from glass splinters...' the website states.
Surely not the same volunteer children as are being roped in by the Friends to clear up the mess in the first place?
Restaurant Blauw makes us see red [31 March 2015]

We should have been suspicious when we first looked at the website. All those arty black and white pictures of people posing with peppers, rather than food. But hey, we were out to celebrate and Blauw on the Amstelveenseweg seemed the perfect place to do it.
However.... more
A touch of class on the new-look Damrak [26 March 2015]

The new look Damrak has finally been unveiled - the first stage in the council's plan to develop a 'red carpet route' to the depths of the Pijp, along the route of the new metro.
This week Parool readers were treated to a load of special offers to encourage us to spend more time on what was once one of the tackiest streets in the city.
Has it improved? We really don't know. But we are very puzzled why Hotel The Exchange is describing itself as a fashion hotel with rooms dressed like models? The mind boggles. We just might have to check out the free panini.
Here's a cheeky little Canta in Zuidas [24 March 2015]

The good folk of Zuidas are very keen to keep the Zuidplein, between the two World Trade Centre buildings, clear of bikes and mopeds.
So what is this delightful little Canta doing parked just here? And where are the bike nazis - those charming city council workers who take away all those wrongly parked two-wheelers - when you need them.
Amsterdam rubbish [08 March 2015]

Every Sunday it is the same... when will the thickos in city hall realise underground containers don't work?
A slum in some third world country? No, this is Amsterdam [09 November 2014]

Amsterdam on Sunday morning, down the street from where we live... what a lovely view, what pleasant smells, what interesting wildlife hanging around - we specifically like the places where the rats have dug open the bags.
We've been trying to solve this problem for months and months but the council does not seem to take us seriously. And our lovely neighbours seem to have to problem with adding their crap to the pile.
What to do now? Clear it all up and dump it outside the council offices?
Classical music in the Vondelpark [25 September 2014]

Cycling home from work past a classical music concert in the Vondelpark, courtesy of broadcaster Avro. Stood and watched for a while... Only in Amsterdam would a show like this be accompanied by an overwhelming smell of weed.
Heading for lunch in Amsterdam Noord [03 September 2014]

Could you ask for a better day to head over to Amsterdam Noord to meet a mate for lunch?
I've seen the enormous banner covering the old Shell building many times but this is the first time I've noticed the arrows pointing to heaven and hell. And realised all the words are song texts...
Doe Maar and Is Dit Alles, anyone?
Comments (6210)
We have so had enough of the underground garbage container [31 August 2014]

Will this perhaps get the attention of the bright sparks in city hall? The most delightful element in today's pile is a bag of used cat litter. Charming. Almost as pleasant as the broken bits of toilet.
How lucky we are to have such thoughtful neighbours.
Comments (242)
Some Amsterdammers are very nice to tourists [16 July 2014]

Comments (309)
Our garbage pile is getting wider as well [18 June 2014]

So this is how it looks this afternoon. Among the new additions to the heap are one of those silly little suitcases on wheels, bits of a bike, some plastic children's toys and a lot more empty cans of cooking oil. more Comments (92)
More Tales from the City:
- It's growing.... [18 June 2014]
- Our Amsterdam garbage pile is getting bigger [16 June 2014]
- Strike while the rubbish is hot [15 June 2014]
- Amsterdam at its best: two of our favourite subjects in one photo [13 May 2014]
- Save this tree - don't vote GroenLinks or PvdA in Amsterdam [09 March 2014]
- What a great Amsterdam view [07 March 2014]
- Whack up the parking fees, chop down the trees [09 February 2014]
- Best sleeve in show - who needs Amsterdam Fashion Week? [28 January 2014]
- We haven't had a nice little Amsterdam Canta for some time [22 January 2014]
- Just what the city needs - a cheap gift shop in Amsterdam [19 January 2014]
- Amsterdam Christmas trees [07 January 2014]
- Oh wow! Amsterdam is the 44th most photographed city in the world [02 January 2014]
- PvdA in trouble, VVD sells deals: yes, it's local election time [16 December 2013]
- So this is what the council meant by upgrading the Damrak [28 November 2013]
- How to park your car in Amsterdam [22 November 2013]
- So where does this Amsterdammer stand on the Zwarte Piet debate? [15 November 2013]
- Dear Parool - perhaps a slightly tacky headline? [14 November 2013]
- Bad Miley Cyrus smokes weed on stage in Amsterdam [11 November 2013]
- Star spotting (in coffee shops) ahead of the MTV awards [08 November 2013]
- What an unlucky escape, tree misses Canta [28 October 2013]
- Amsterdam Noord aldermen run up a €38,000 taxi bill [24 October 2013]
- We're not fooled, it's a Canta in disguise [21 October 2013]
- We know Amsterdam's a small city but... [18 October 2013]
- So Good? Not when it comes to spelling. [23 September 2013]
- On yer bike: Paris Hilton in Amsterdam [19 September 2013]
- Oh deer: Amsterdam brings in the big guns [23 August 2013]
- Let's labour the point, Amsterdam city council [14 August 2013]
- Amsterdam sinking under the swims [08 August 2013]
- Lost in translation: Gastvrij Amsterdam [19 July 2013]
- Full of beans in Amsterdam [17 July 2013]
- The best pop-up restaurant ever - and a parade of ghostly carriages [14 July 2013]
- Young Amsterdam men are smoking hot... actually they are just smoking [10 July 2013]
- Keeping it clean for the tourists [10 July 2013]
- Canta park here [06 July 2013]
- Apparently, we all love our mayor in Amsterdam [06 July 2013]
- They're back, and they are getting weirder [20 June 2013]
- Roses from Amsterdam [07 June 2013]
- Well that's an interesting way to market Amsterdam zoo [05 June 2013]
- Wow, what an improvement in Vondelpark facilities [03 June 2013]
- Where do the rich, white Amsterdammers live? [29 May 2013]
- Fellow foreigners, we can vote: Amsterdam politician of the year [24 May 2013]
- Forget Inferno - you need the Seven Deadly Dutch Sins [22 May 2013]
- Holland, sorry, Amsterdam. The Original Cool? [17 May 2013]
- Apple juice alert: Amsterdam revises its stop and search rules [17 May 2013]
- A whole new meaning to locking your bike up [15 May 2013]
- Wheee heeee, cycling through the Rijksmuseum [14 May 2013]
- As if Amsterdam did not have enough attractions of its own [08 May 2013]
- Amsterdam's a madhouse already and its not Queen's Day yet [29 April 2013]
- No doubt here as to what these guys are wholesaling [24 April 2013]
- The flags are out... and they're off. Count down to the non-coronation [22 April 2013]
- No knickers at new M&S in Amsterdam [17 April 2013]
- Would Anne Frank have been a Justin Bieber fan? He hopes so [14 April 2013]
- Only in Amsterdam would someone use a bike made of wood [12 April 2013]
- Are Amsterdam's slowest waiters in Azur Bleu? [07 April 2013]
- They hate car drivers, these Amsterdam borough councils [05 April 2013]
- How many of these hats have been sold in Amsterdam this winter? [04 April 2013]
- No Picnic in Amsterdam this year [03 April 2013]
- Let's get at the justice ministry. Are they using Google translate? [29 March 2013]
- Amsterdam chef Ron Blaauw hands back his two Michelin stars [27 March 2013]
- Forget the freezing winds, watch out for those hills [24 March 2013]
- Gosh they just love democracy in the PvdA, don't they [20 March 2013]
- A fit of the giggles in the stiltecabine [16 March 2013]
- Oh dear. Are these Amsterdam's worst waxworks? [15 March 2013]
- Canta owners park where they like in The Hague as well [14 March 2013]
- Amsterdam plans to fine persistent truants €10 a hour [14 March 2013]
- 'Fake prostitute' advises Amsterdam on prostitution policy [09 March 2013]
- Yippee. Amsterdam's borough councils have had their day [08 March 2013]
- So how much would you contribute to the crownless coronation? [28 February 2013]
- Amsterdam gears up to party with the new king [27 February 2013]
- Singel to be renamed Koningsgracht to 'honour' queen Bea? [24 February 2013]
- Eeeek! Here's another one [21 February 2013]
- Airbnb is to help Amsterdam council crack down on dodgy dwellings [18 February 2013]
- Talking horseshit: The boss of cafe Piet de Leeuw is a liar [15 February 2013]
- Amsterdam steakhouse caught selling horse [14 February 2013]
- Amsterdam mayor is at it again: wants the right to ban demon drink [07 February 2013]
- Bed and Breakfast in Amsterdam - the council gets tough [04 February 2013]
- 'Living work of art' Fabiola is dead [27 January 2013]
- Amsterdam parrot fashion [22 January 2013]
- 24 hour party people - in Amsterdam? [19 January 2013]
- Boats banned from the canals to let the ice develop [17 January 2013]
- Amsterdam is so pretty in the snow - but how can you cycle in it? [15 January 2013]
- Celebrating 400 years of Amsterdam's canals [12 January 2013]
- Nuisance neighbours are the Amsterdammers' biggest bugbear [09 January 2013]
- Amsterdam Light Festival: Well that was illuminating - not [08 January 2013]
- Amsterdam gears up for 2013 [07 January 2013]
- Amsterdam's top eateries, according to Johannes van Dam [05 January 2013]
- Marks & Spencer may be on its way back to Amsterdam [04 January 2013]
- Armed robbery at Amsterdam's Hilton hotel [04 January 2013]
- Those pesky foreigners are at it again [03 January 2013]
- Let's get at The Hague [02 January 2013]
- Oops again: last-minute sharp rise in Amsterdam murder rate [30 December 2012]
- Amsterdam's a safe city: just 14 violent deaths this year [29 December 2012]
- Sometimes I feel so damn lucky to live in Amsterdam [18 December 2012]
- Amsterdam Christmas Canal Parade - Mwah [15 December 2012]
- What a wonderful sky [13 December 2012]
- Why are these teenagers not smoking weed in the school playground? [13 December 2012]
- Scoop of the day: Amsterdam council to stamp out marijuana at school [12 December 2012]
- What on earth is this man talking about? [11 December 2012]
- This is nothing to do with Amsterdam but... [10 December 2012]
- Oops, too much bad news about Amsterdam this week [09 December 2012]
- Amsterdam to press on with closure of 26 red light coffee shops [07 December 2012]
- Amsterdam council executive jumps into Zwarte Piet debate [04 December 2012]
- Amsterdam's population hits 800,000 [02 December 2012]
- Amsterdam has a new finance chief [29 November 2012]
- The things they eat [16 November 2012]
- Damn, they didn't steal them all [16 November 2012]
- Fantastic news, 130 Cantas have been stolen over the past year [13 November 2012]
- Sinterklaas is coming to town [13 November 2012]
- Repairing an Amsterdam canal wall [13 November 2012]
- Just rushed out to buy sweets for Sint Maarten [11 November 2012]
- Death of a neighbour [07 November 2012]
- Wow. The new big garbage rules are a big success [31 October 2012]
- RIP electronic underground garbage container [29 October 2012]
- Yes!! we've got a new garbage sign [24 October 2012]
- Green light makes me see red [23 October 2012]
- Our garbage collection goes high tech [22 October 2012]
- How many people does it take to change a garbage container? [22 October 2012]
- Making money out of Willem Holleeder [12 October 2012]
- No blog entry tonight. We're having a party in Haren [21 September 2012]
- Where's the crock of gold? [18 September 2012]
- Blondes and the bicycle police [17 September 2012]
- Red Amsterdam, not green [13 September 2012]
- Master chef doesn't know anything about his new restaurant [12 September 2012]
- Amsterdam life's a beach [10 September 2012]
- Dog gone [08 September 2012]
- Roger Federer in Westerpark? [08 September 2012]
- Amsterdam honesty [05 September 2012]
- Amsterdammers can keep their chips [30 August 2012]
- Amsterdammers from one to 100 [30 August 2012]
- Romance in Amsterdam [21 August 2012]
- Amsterdam Kiss In - and then the heavens opened [15 August 2012]
- Just how tolerant is Amsterdam? [15 August 2012]
- Sex, drugs and Amsterdam news headlines [04 August 2012]
- Fifty tastes of tea [23 July 2012]
- Amsterdam's pseudo police officers told not to swear [19 July 2012]
- Amsterdam fashion week is under way [14 July 2012]
- Next year its party party party in Amsterdam [14 July 2012]
- What tourists do in Amsterdam [05 July 2012]
- See, don't fly, bike [02 July 2012]
- Amsterdam considers using body scanners on the street [27 June 2012]
- What to do about white trash? [24 June 2012]
- Baby blackbird becomes cat's lunch [24 June 2012]
- Can Canta in Amsterdam [06 June 2012]
- Amsterdam official talks rubbish [05 June 2012]
- Is Ahold heading out of Amsterdam? [05 June 2012]
- Too many festivals in Amsterdam? [03 June 2012]
- Amsterdam street artists need a talent check, say Dam companies [31 May 2012]
- Amsterdammers are different [22 May 2012]
- Amsterdam: them kitchens keep on rolling [19 May 2012]
- Amsterdam set to slash spending [12 May 2012]
- Rolling kitchens roll back into Amsterdam [08 May 2012]
- Busy bees at Cisco Amsterdam [08 May 2012]
- Dot Amsterdam [08 May 2012]
- Smile, you're on a Dam square camera [05 May 2012]
- Amsterdam high schools have had their chips [03 May 2012]
- Fewer people but just as much rubbish in Amsterdam [02 May 2012]
- Naples aan de Amstel [24 April 2012]
- New best terrace in town [11 April 2012]
- Amsterdam's canal ring residents are not lefties after all [07 April 2012]
- Holidays with a hoover [20 March 2012]
- Gin no tonic [19 March 2012]
- Look alike [19 March 2012]
- Longer jail term for Remembrance Day screamer [10 March 2012]
- Let it snow... [03 February 2012]
- Dutch kids flock to British school in Amstelveen [28 January 2012]
- Panama bankrupt? [24 January 2012]
- Internet killed the peep show star [23 January 2012]
- No Radio 538 Queens Day party in Amsterdam [23 January 2012]
- Amsterdam fashion week 'escapes the crisis' [22 January 2012]
- Shooting in Zuid [21 January 2012]
- In Amsterdam, everybody's happy [21 January 2012]
- Gone fishing [20 January 2012]
- New taxi rules to cover the entire city [20 January 2012]
- Amsterdam server farm raided in Megaupload case [20 January 2012]
- Youthful fans watch AZ put Ajax out of the cup [19 January 2012]
- All-night shopping in Amsterdam? [19 January 2012]
- Amsterdam still popular with foreign firms [19 January 2012]
- Amsterdam, other big cities look for alternatives to New Year firework chaos [19 January 2012]
- A great year for food in Amsterdam, says Parool food critic [15 January 2012]
- Council plans higher parking for big cars in Amsterdam [14 January 2012]
- Is that a pistol in your bag? [13 January 2012]
- An Amsterdam winter? [13 January 2012]
- Ajax-AZ cup tie replay 'sold out' [12 January 2012]
- Amsterdam house prices fell 6.7% last year [12 January 2012]
- What to see the Ajax-AZ replay? Find a bunch of kids [10 January 2012]
- Amsterdam to toughen up policy on street artists? [10 January 2012]
- Dutch dj Afrojack and Paris Hilton incognito [09 January 2012]
- Amsterdam cinema carpet raises €11,000 for charity [09 January 2012]
- Amsterdam toilet entrepreneurs aim to earn more than a penny [08 January 2012]
- Amsterdam canals are dangerous [08 January 2012]
- Segways in Amsterdam? Oh god no! [04 January 2012]
- Amsterdam councillor owner of an illegal hotel? [16 November 2011]
- A bad chair day [25 July 2011]
- Artistic licence [29 May 2011]
- When is a museum not a museum? [02 May 2011]
- Secret camp [15 April 2011]
- Escaped balloons [26 March 2011]
- Something to shout about [23 January 2011]
- It's a slippery slope [22 December 2010]
- Spot the snow plough [20 December 2010]
- Amsterdam skies [15 December 2010]
- Winter magic [07 December 2010]
- What's in a name? [03 December 2010]
- Your roots are showing [02 December 2010]
- Queenie breaks the dress code [29 November 2010]
- What's in a name [28 November 2010]
- Books on demand [26 November 2010]
- Mulled wine wars? [23 November 2010]
- Screaming for culture [21 November 2010]
- A book with no words and then words fail me [20 November 2010]
- Local weed for local people [19 November 2010]
- We're back [17 November 2010]
- Rain [28 August 2010]
- Stylish places to stay [30 July 2010]
- Polite notice [16 July 2010]
- Waiting for Oranje [13 July 2010]
- Third time not lucky [12 July 2010]
- Oranje 3, Uruguay 2, we're in the final [06 July 2010]
- A lot of shopping [02 July 2010]
- Peony problems? Not this year [23 June 2010]
- Roses [04 June 2010]
- Great Expatations [02 June 2010]
- Cheeky little monsters [21 May 2010]
- They think its all over [17 May 2010]
- The carpet dumpers strike back [12 May 2010]
- And the rubbish keeps on coming [11 May 2010]
- Round Italy cycle race in Amsterdam [10 May 2010]
- Not the return of the bin men [10 May 2010]
- The bin men don't cometh II [08 May 2010]
- The bin men don't cometh [07 May 2010]
- Liberation Day [05 May 2010]
- Baby baby [26 April 2010]
- Nice work if you can get it [18 April 2010]
- Ding dong.... [12 April 2010]
- D66 has lost the plot [07 April 2010]
- There is having no where to park your bike and ... [02 April 2010]
- Amateur hour in Amsterdam [31 March 2010]
- A bit of excitment in our quiet street [30 March 2010]
- Post election blues [21 March 2010]
- Market forces [16 January 2010]
- A question of taste [11 January 2010]
- Hot air on cold days [09 January 2010]
- An igloo in Amsterdam [07 January 2010]
- Let it snow, let it snow [06 January 2010]
- Happy 2010 [01 January 2010]
- A comeback for Rob Oudkerk? [09 September 2009]
- Red Light District tops over-rated attraction poll [07 September 2009]
- A visit to Ransdorp tower [11 July 2009]
- A postcard from Amsterdam [07 July 2009]
- A cruise around the port [05 July 2009]
- Amsterdammers: Hendrick [05 July 2009]
- An almost black hollyhock [03 July 2009]
- Honeysuckle in the sun [24 June 2009]
- Roadside shrine for a schoolboy [24 June 2009]
- When is a car not a car II [29 May 2009]
- How to park your SUV [29 May 2009]
- Peony thieves - thank you [26 May 2009]
- Pink roses in Amsterdam [25 May 2009]
- Trees covered with caterpillars [24 May 2009]
- When is a car not a car? [22 May 2009]
- Roses from Amsterdam [18 May 2009]
- That wintry feeling [12 May 2009]
- It's back.... [11 May 2009]
- Tayouken Piss [08 May 2009]
- Post Mortem [06 May 2009]
- Wisteria [04 May 2009]
- What a load of rubbish III [03 May 2009]
- The city's most expensive taxi ride [02 May 2009]
- What a load of rubbish II [02 May 2009]
- What a load of rubbish [01 May 2009]
- The problem with peeing (a male problem) [29 April 2009]
- The new Ajax away shirt and a few problems with the post... [28 April 2009]
- Wisteria [27 April 2009]
- Ready for the off [26 April 2009]
- Martin Bril RIP [24 April 2009]
- Mission accomplished [22 April 2009]
- A little piece of country [21 April 2009]
- Dutch girls [20 April 2009]
- Two stepped book cases and a baby bath [19 April 2009]
- A fish made of roses [18 April 2009]